

Gathers the dimension of observation vector across multiple local domains/filter processors.

This function is typically used in deprecated PDAF functions without OMI.

This function can be used in the user-supplied function of py__init_dim_obs_f_pdaf(), but it is recommended to use pyPDAF.PDAF.omi_gather_obs() with OMI.

This function does two things:
  1. Receiving observation dimension on each local process.

  2. Gather the total dimension of observation across local process and the displacement of PE-local observations relative to the total observation vector

The dimension of observations are used to allocate observation arrays. Therefore, it must be used before pyPDAF.PDAF.gather_obs_f() or pyPDAF.PDAF.gather_obs_f2().


dim_obs_p (int) – PE-local observation dimension


dim_obs_f – Full observation dimension

Return type:
