

Gathers the dimension of observation vector across multiple local domains/filter processors.

This function is typically used in the user-supplied function of py__init_dim_obs_f_pdaf() when OMI functionality is not used. Otherwise, one can use pyPDAF.PDAF.omi_gather_obs().

This function does two things:
  1. Receiving observation dimension on each local process and allocate arrays for observation vectors.

  2. Gather the total dimension of observation across local process

The second functionality is used for domain localised filters when local domains are distributed in different processors. This means \(npes_filter > 0\). This function must be used before pyPDAF.PDAF.gather_obs_f() or pyPDAF.PDAF.gather_obs_f2().


dim_obs_p (int) – PE-local observation dimension


dim_obs_f – Full observation dimension

Return type:
