- pyPDAF.PDAF.local_weight()¶
The function is used for localisation in the analysis step of a filter and computes a weight according to the specified distance and the settings for the localising function. Typically the function is called in py__prodRinvA_l_pdaf in the domain-localised filters. Also, the function is typically called for the LEnKF in the py__localize_covar_pdaf. This function is usually only used in user-codes that do not use PDAF-OMI.
- Parameters:
wtype (int) – Type of weight function
rtype (int) – Type of regulated weighting
cradius (float) – Cut-off radius (check PDAF-OMI wiki)
sradius (float) –
Support radius (check PDAF-OMI wiki)
distance (float) – Distance to observation
A (ndarray[tuple[nrows, ncols], np.float64]) –
Input matrix
The1st-th dimension nrows is Number of rows in matrix A; the2nd-th dimension ncols is Number of columns in matrix A.
var_obs (float) – Observation variance
verbose (int) – Verbosity flag
- Returns:
weight – Weights
- Return type: