

Observation operator that average values on given model grid points.

The averaged model grid points are specified in id_obs_p property of obs_f, which can be set in pyPDAF.PDAF.omi_set_id_obs_p().

The function is used in the user-supplied function py__obs_op_pdaf.

  • i_obs (int) – index of observations

  • nrows (int) – Number of values to be averaged

  • state_p (ndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]) –

    PE-local model state (dim_p)

    The array dimension dim_p is dimension of model state.

  • obs_f_all (ndarray[tuple[nobs_f_all], np.float64]) –

    Full observed state for all observation types (nobs_f_all)

    The array dimension nobs_f_all is dimension of the observation.


obs_f_all – Full observed state for all observation types (nobs_f_all)

The array dimension nobs_f_all is dimension of the observation

Return type:

ndarray[tuple[nobs_f_all], np.float64]