

This function sets the use_global_obs attribute of obs_f typically used in user-supplied function py__init_dim_obs_pdaf. In the domain-localized filters (LESTK, LETKF, LSEIK, LNETF) observations are assimilated that are located within the localization around some grid point. When a model uses parallelisation with domain-decomposition some of these observations might belong to a different process-domain. In the default mode (use_global_obs=1) PDAF-OMI gathers all globally available observations so that each process has access to all observations. It can be more efficient to limit the observations on a process-domain to those observations that are located inside the domain or within the localization radius around it. Then, in the local analyses less observations have to be checked for their distance. Setting use_global_obs=0 activates this feature. However, it needs additional preparations to make PDAF-OMI aware of the limiting coordinates of a process sub-domain. See for the use of pyPDAF.PDAF.omi_set_domain_limits.

  • i_obs (int) – index of observations

  • use_global_obs (int) –

    1. Using process-local observations; 1) using cross-process observations (default)