

It is used to preprocess and postprocess of the ensemble.

No DA is performed in this function. Compared to pyPDAF.PDAF.prepost(), this function sets assimilation flag, which means that it is acted as an assimilation in PDAF.

The function is a combination of pyPDAF.PDAF.put_state_prepost() and pyPDAF.PDAF.get_state().

User-supplied functions are executed in the following sequence:
  1. py__collect_state_pdaf

  2. py__prepoststep_state_pdaf (preprocess, step < 0)

  3. py__prepoststep_state_pdaf (postprocess, step > 0)

  4. py__distribute_state_pdaf

  5. py__next_observation_pdaf

  • py__collect_state_pdaf (Callable[dim_p:int, state_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]]) –

    Collect state vector from model/any arrays to pdaf arrays

    Callback Parameters
    • dim_pint
      • pe-local state dimension

    • state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
      • local state vector

    Callback Returns
    • state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
      • local state vector

  • py__distribute_state_pdaf (Callable[dim_p:int, state_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]]) –

    distribute a state vector from pdaf to the model/any arrays

    Callback Parameters
    • dim_pint
      • PE-local state dimension

    • state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
      • PE-local state vector

    Callback Returns
    • state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
      • PE-local state vector

  • py__prepoststep_pdaf (Callable[step:int, dim_p:int, dim_ens:int, dim_ens_l:int, dim_obs_p:int, state_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64], uinv : ndarray[tuple[dim_ens-1, dim_ens-1], np.float64], ens_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p, dim_ens], np.float64], flag:int]) –

    Preprocesse the ensemble before analysis and postprocess the ensemble before distributing to the model for next forecast

    Callback Parameters
    • stepint
      • current time step (negative for call before analysis/preprocessing)

    • dim_pint
      • PE-local state vector dimension

    • dim_ensint
      • number of ensemble members

    • dim_ens_lint
      • number of ensemble members run serially on each model task

    • dim_obs_pint
      • PE-local dimension of observation vector

    • state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
      • pe-local forecast/analysis state (the array ‘state_p’ is generally not initialised in the case of ESTKF/ETKF/EnKF/SEIK, so it can be used freely here.)

    • uinvndarray[tuple[dim_ens-1, dim_ens-1], np.float64]
      • Inverse of the transformation matrix in ETKF and ESKTF; inverse of matrix formed by right singular vectors of error covariance matrix of ensemble perturbations in SEIK/SEEK. not used in EnKF.

    • ens_pndarray[tuple[dim_p, dim_ens], np.float64]
      • PE-local ensemble

    • flagint
      • pdaf status flag

    Callback Returns
    • state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
      • pe-local forecast/analysis state (the array ‘state_p’ is generally not initialised in the case of ESTKF/ETKF/EnKF/SEIK, so it can be used freely here.)

    • uinvndarray[tuple[dim_ens-1, dim_ens-1], np.float64]
      • Inverse of the transformation matrix in ETKF and ESKTF; inverse of matrix formed by right singular vectors of error covariance matrix of ensemble perturbations in SEIK/SEEK. not used in EnKF.

    • ens_pndarray[tuple[dim_p, dim_ens], np.float64]
      • PE-local ensemble

  • py__next_observation_pdaf (Callable[stepnow:int, nsteps:int, doexit:int, time:float]) –

    Routine to provide number of forecast time steps until next assimilations, model physical time and end of assimilation cycles

    Callback Parameters
    • stepnowint
      • the current time step given by PDAF

    • nstepsint
      • number of forecast time steps until next assimilation; this can also be interpreted as number of assimilation function calls to perform a new assimilation

    • doexitint
      • whether to exit forecasting (1 for exit)

    • timefloat
      • current model (physical) time

    Callback Returns
    • nstepsint
      • number of forecast time steps until next assimilation; this can also be interpreted as number of assimilation function calls to perform a new assimilation

    • doexitint
      • whether to exit forecasting (1 for exit)

    • timefloat
      • current model (physical) time


flag – Status flag

Return type:
