- pyPDAF.PDAF.get_state()¶
Distributing analysis state vector to an array.
The primary purpose of this function is to distribute the analysis state vector to the model. This is attained by the user-supplied function
. One can also use this function to get the state vector for other purposes, e.g. to write the state vector to a file.In this function, the user-supplied function
is executed to specify the number of forecast time steps until the next assimilation step. One can also use the user-supplied function to end the assimilation.In an online DA system, this function also execute the user-supplied function
, when this function is first called. The purpose of this design is to call this function right afterpyPDAF.PDAF.init()
to process the initial ensemble before using it to initialse model forecast. This user-supplied function will not be called afterwards.This function is also used in flexible parallel system where the number of ensemble members are greater than the parallel model tasks. In this case, this function is called multiple times to distribute the analysis ensemble.
User-supplied function are executed in the following sequence:
py__prepoststep_state_pdaf (only in online system when first called)
- Parameters:
steps (int) – number of forecast time steps for next assimilation The input value can be an arbitrary integer
doexit (int) – Whether to exit from forecasts
py__next_observation_pdaf (Callable[stepnow:int, nsteps:int, doexit:int, time:float]) –
Routine to provide number of forecast time steps until next assimilations, model physical time and end of assimilation cycles
- Callback Parameters
- stepnowint
the current time step given by PDAF
- nstepsint
number of forecast time steps until next assimilation; this can also be interpreted as number of assimilation function calls to perform a new assimilation
- doexitint
whether to exit forecasting (1 for exit)
- timefloat
current model (physical) time
- Callback Returns
- nstepsint
number of forecast time steps until next assimilation; this can also be interpreted as number of assimilation function calls to perform a new assimilation
- doexitint
whether to exit forecasting (1 for exit)
- timefloat
current model (physical) time
py__distribute_state_pdaf (Callable[dim_p:int, state_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]]) –
distribute a state vector from pdaf to the model/any arrays
- Callback Parameters
- dim_pint
PE-local state dimension
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
PE-local state vector
- Callback Returns
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
PE-local state vector
py__prepoststep_pdaf (Callable[step:int, dim_p:int, dim_ens:int, dim_ens_l:int, dim_obs_p:int, state_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64], uinv : ndarray[tuple[dim_ens-1, dim_ens-1], np.float64], ens_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p, dim_ens], np.float64], flag:int]) –
Processing the ensemble when this function is called by the first time in an online PDAF system before distributing to the model to initialise the next forecast
- Callback Parameters
- stepint
current time step (negative for call before analysis/preprocessing)
- dim_pint
PE-local state vector dimension
- dim_ensint
number of ensemble members
- dim_ens_lint
number of ensemble members run serially on each model task
- dim_obs_pint
PE-local dimension of observation vector
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
pe-local forecast/analysis state (the array ‘state_p’ is generally not initialised in the case of ESTKF/ETKF/EnKF/SEIK, so it can be used freely here.)
- uinvndarray[tuple[dim_ens-1, dim_ens-1], np.float64]
Inverse of the transformation matrix in ETKF and ESKTF; inverse of matrix formed by right singular vectors of error covariance matrix of ensemble perturbations in SEIK/SEEK. not used in EnKF.
- ens_pndarray[tuple[dim_p, dim_ens], np.float64]
PE-local ensemble
- flagint
pdaf status flag
- Callback Returns
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
pe-local forecast/analysis state (the array ‘state_p’ is generally not initialised in the case of ESTKF/ETKF/EnKF/SEIK, so it can be used freely here.)
- uinvndarray[tuple[dim_ens-1, dim_ens-1], np.float64]
Inverse of the transformation matrix in ETKF and ESKTF; inverse of matrix formed by right singular vectors of error covariance matrix of ensemble perturbations in SEIK/SEEK. not used in EnKF.
- ens_pndarray[tuple[dim_p, dim_ens], np.float64]
PE-local ensemble
flag (int) – Status flag
- Returns:
steps (int) – number of forecast time steps for next assimilation The input value can be an arbitrary integer
time (float) – current model time
doexit (int) – Whether to exit from forecasts
flag (int) – Status flag