

Generation of a random matrix with orthogonal basis following SEEK approach for EnKF with given properties.

  • seed (ndarray[tuple[4], np.intc]) – Seed for random number generation

  • omega (ndarray[tuple[dim_ens, r], np.float64]) –

    Random matrix

    The1st-th dimension dim_ens is Ensemble size; the2nd-th dimension r is Approximated rank of covar matrix.

  • norm (float) – Norm for ensemble transformation

  • otype (int) – Type of Omega: (1) Simple Gaussian random matrix (2) Columns of unit norm (3) Columns of norm dim_ens^(-1/2) (4) Projection orthogonal (1,..,1)^T (6) Combination of 2 and 4 (7) Combination of 3 and 4 (8) Rows of sum 0 and variance 1

  • screen (int) – Verbosity flag


  • omega (ndarray[tuple[dim_ens, r], np.float64]) – Random matrix

    The 1st-th dimension dim_ens is Ensemble size The 2nd-th dimension r is Approximated rank of covar matrix

  • norm (float) – Norm for ensemble transformation