- pyPDAF.PDAF.generate_obs()¶
Generation of synthetic observations based on given error statistics and observation operator.
When diagonal observation error covariance matrix is used, it is recommended to use
functionalities for fewer user-supplied functions and improved efficiency.The generated synthetic observations are based on each member of model forecast. Therefore, an ensemble of observations can be obtained. In a typical experiment, one may only need one ensemble member. The implementation strategy is similar to an assimilation step. This means that, one can reuse many user-supplied functions for assimilation and observation generation.
The function is a combination of
.- User-supplied functions are executed in the following sequence:
- Parameters:
py__collect_state_pdaf (Callable[dim_p:int, state_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]]) –
Collect state vector from model/any arrays to pdaf arrays
- Callback Parameters
- dim_pint
pe-local state dimension
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
local state vector
- Callback Returns
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
local state vector
py__distribute_state_pdaf (Callable[dim_p:int, state_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]]) –
distribute a state vector from pdaf to the model/any arrays
- Callback Parameters
- dim_pint
PE-local state dimension
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
PE-local state vector
- Callback Returns
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
PE-local state vector
py__init_dim_obs_pdaf (Callable[step:int, dim_obs_p:int]) –
The primary purpose of this function is to obtain the dimension of the observation vector. In OMI, in this function, one also sets the properties of obs_f, read the observation vector from files, setting the observation error variance when diagonal observation error covariance matrix is used. The pyPDAF.PDAF.omi_gather_obs function is also called here.
- Callback Parameters
- stepint
current time step
- dim_obs_pint
dimension of observation vector
- Callback Returns
- dim_obs_pint
dimension of observation vector
py__obs_op_pdaf (Callable[step:int, dim_p:int, dim_obs_p:int, state_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64], m_state_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_obs_p], np.float64]]) –
Observation operator
- Callback Parameters
- stepint
Current time step
- dim_pint
Size of state vector (local part in case of parallel decomposed state)
- dim_obs_pint
Size of PE-local observation vector
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
Model state vector
- m_state_pndarray[tuple[dim_obs_p], np.float64]
Observed state vector (i.e. the result after applying the observation operator to state_p)
- Callback Returns
- m_state_pndarray[tuple[dim_obs_p], np.float64]
Observed state vector (i.e. the result after applying the observation operator to state_p)
py__get_obs_f_pdaf (Callable[step:int, dim_obs_f:int, observation_f : ndarray[tuple[dim_obs_f], np.float64]]) –
Provide observation vector to user
- Callback Parameters
- stepint
Current time step
- dim_obs_fint
Size of the full observation vector
- observation_fndarray[tuple[dim_obs_f], np.float64]
Full vector of synthetic observations (process-local)
- Callback Returns
- observation_fndarray[tuple[dim_obs_f], np.float64]
Full vector of synthetic observations (process-local)
py__init_obserr_f_pdaf (Callable[step:int, dim_obs_f:int, obs_f : ndarray[tuple[dim_obs_f], np.float64], obserr_f : ndarray[tuple[dim_obs_f], np.float64]]) –
Initialize vector of observation error standard deviations
- Callback Parameters
- stepint
Current time step
- dim_obs_fint
Full dimension of observation vector
- obs_fndarray[tuple[dim_obs_f], np.float64]
Full observation vector
- obserr_fndarray[tuple[dim_obs_f], np.float64]
Full observation error stddev
- Callback Returns
- obserr_fndarray[tuple[dim_obs_f], np.float64]
Full observation error stddev
py__prepoststep_pdaf (Callable[step:int, dim_p:int, dim_ens:int, dim_ens_l:int, dim_obs_p:int, state_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64], uinv : ndarray[tuple[dim_ens-1, dim_ens-1], np.float64], ens_p : ndarray[tuple[dim_p, dim_ens], np.float64], flag:int]) –
Preprocesse the ensemble before analysis and postprocess the ensemble before distributing to the model for next forecast
- Callback Parameters
- stepint
current time step (negative for call before analysis/preprocessing)
- dim_pint
PE-local state vector dimension
- dim_ensint
number of ensemble members
- dim_ens_lint
number of ensemble members run serially on each model task
- dim_obs_pint
PE-local dimension of observation vector
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
pe-local forecast/analysis state (the array ‘state_p’ is generally not initialised in the case of ESTKF/ETKF/EnKF/SEIK, so it can be used freely here.)
- uinvndarray[tuple[dim_ens-1, dim_ens-1], np.float64]
Inverse of the transformation matrix in ETKF and ESKTF; inverse of matrix formed by right singular vectors of error covariance matrix of ensemble perturbations in SEIK/SEEK. not used in EnKF.
- ens_pndarray[tuple[dim_p, dim_ens], np.float64]
PE-local ensemble
- flagint
pdaf status flag
- Callback Returns
- state_pndarray[tuple[dim_p], np.float64]
pe-local forecast/analysis state (the array ‘state_p’ is generally not initialised in the case of ESTKF/ETKF/EnKF/SEIK, so it can be used freely here.)
- uinvndarray[tuple[dim_ens-1, dim_ens-1], np.float64]
Inverse of the transformation matrix in ETKF and ESKTF; inverse of matrix formed by right singular vectors of error covariance matrix of ensemble perturbations in SEIK/SEEK. not used in EnKF.
- ens_pndarray[tuple[dim_p, dim_ens], np.float64]
PE-local ensemble
py__next_observation_pdaf (Callable[stepnow:int, nsteps:int, doexit:int, time:float]) –
Routine to provide number of forecast time steps until next assimilations, model physical time and end of assimilation cycles
- Callback Parameters
- stepnowint
the current time step given by PDAF
- nstepsint
number of forecast time steps until next assimilation; this can also be interpreted as number of assimilation function calls to perform a new assimilation
- doexitint
whether to exit forecasting (1 for exit)
- timefloat
current model (physical) time
- Callback Returns
- nstepsint
number of forecast time steps until next assimilation; this can also be interpreted as number of assimilation function calls to perform a new assimilation
- doexitint
whether to exit forecasting (1 for exit)
- timefloat
current model (physical) time
- Returns:
flag – Status flag
- Return type: